5 ways to help your low back pain
5 Ways To Help Your Low Back Pain.
Do you suffer from Chronic Low Back Pain? Chronic low back pain is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide, affecting 80% of the population at some point in their lifetime. Low back pain episodes typically resolve within a few weeks, however 2/3 of patients experience a flare up within one year and 15% develop chronic low back pain (pain lasting more than 3 months).
Chronic low back pain is affected by several factors, including physical, emotional, cognitive, lifestyle, social and behavioural factors. All of which have to be considered and are used to guide the assessment and treatment of the individual patient.
When seeing your doctor for low back pain, consider non-pharmacological options as the first intervention as outlined by the “Guideline for Opoids for Chronic Non-Cancer Patients” and “American College of Physicians”.
5 Drug Free Options to help ease your pain
1. Get an adjustment - spinal adjustments restore natural movement of the spine and improve function
2. All hands on deck! - include multiple health care practitioners to address the physical, psycologocial and occupational factors contributing to your back pain
3. Movement is key - exercise! - therapeutic exercise can be prescribed by our Chiropractors and Physiotherapists to help improve movement and reduce pain
4. Change your focus - mindfullness stress reduction by changing how your brain processes pain through meditation, breathing exercises and body awareness techniques
5. Pin point the issue - acupuncture is a great modality where small needles are inserted into specific areas of the body to address pain and function, helping with both physcial and emotional pain If you’re ready to take control of your pain and get back to doing all the things you love, book with one of our practitioners today