4 ways acupuncture can help you [self-care]
Acupuncture is a wellness protocol that offers big benefits. Its benefits go far beyond the idea of getting poked with needles. Committing to routine acupuncture appointments is a low maintenance habit that can help heal pain and fight chronic stress.
Benefits of regular acupuncture visits:
1. Disease Prevention - Leading doctors believe that 95% of all illnesses are caused or worsened by stress. This link between the body and mind, stress and disease has been claimed by Eastern medicine doctors for years and more physicians are now getting on board. Studies show how effective acupuncture is in relieving stress by lowering the stress hormone cortisol and stimulating the release of endorphins in the brain.
2. Improves Sleep - Sleep is the most important aspect of good health and poor sleep contributes to everything from inability, to weight loss, to faster aging. Studies show that acupuncture improves sleep activity and quality, as well as melatonin production. Patients receiving acupuncture fall asleep faster, are less active at night and are less stressed.
3. More Rejuvenating Than A Nap - Acupuncture allows you to zone out for 20-30 minutes and research states that you can go into a deep, sort of lucid dreaming state. After acupuncture patients slowly return from this relaxed state and feel balanced, grounded and fully recharged as if they just returned from a week's vacation.
4. Well- Being + Emotional Stability - Chinese medicine allows for the effects of the emotions on the body to be classified and treated regularly. Each emotion has a corresponding organ. For example, frustration, anger and irritability are emotions ruled by the liver. The acupuncturist would focus on the points of the liver to break up stagnation. By doing acupuncture regularly, you’ll be able to keep the liver energy moving and prevent frustration in the first place.
Acupuncture has a cumulative effect on your overall health. If you’re less stressed, sick less often, sleeping better, and waking up more restful, you are going to be more productive and have a higher quality of what you produce! The effects of acupuncture can take several treatments or be almost immediate depending on the person.